• This site is in Danish and English
  • © Copyright 2000-2021. All Rights Reserved. Lotte Kjoeller

Forfatter og illustrator Lotte Kjøller: Kunsthistorie, poesi, illustration og kunst

The Author and illustrator Lotte Kjoeller:  Art Historian Text, Poetry, illustration, Art

Book Reception. H. C. Andersen Museum 2/10 2022

UP: Book Reception 2/10 2022 with "The Great H.C. Andersen book written of different people and illustrated by 89 illustrators from Danish Author Assosiation.


Down: Lotte Kjoeller reading her poetry

at Open Doors, Copenhagen


Som kunstner spreder jeg mig i genrer. Jeg har et kreativt talent, der udtrykker sig mangfoldigt. Denne serie viser min poesi og mine udgivne bøger som illustrator/forfatter – det er også kunst! Der er egne udgivelser som lyriker, du kan læse. Den musik, ”Jazz n poetry”, jeg har indspillet efter egne digte og malerier, som du kan høre/se her. Der er omtale af bøger, jeg har udgivet som illustrator/forfatter. Og til sidst oplysninger om en ny kunstbog som Kunsthistoriker Lise-Lotte Blom er ved at skrive om mig som kunstner  - og som du kan glæde dig til.


Siden min barndom har jeg skrevet lyrik og illustreret egne digte. Det var min måde at skrive dagbog på.  Som voksen er det sat i system inspireret af min første illutrationsopgave, digtsamlingen ”Steder i drømme” af Adil Erdem 2002, da jeg var 36 år - og af inspiration fra Dansk Forfatterforenings spændende medlemsskare som nyt medlem. Det gjorde, at jeg ”genoptog” lyrikken 2002, og skrev en digtcyklus artistbook ”LivLøber”, der udkom 2004, og som e-bog 2009.


Jeg har også udgivet digte i ”Sensuelle Ordbilleder” 2010 og Ordbilleder om Kærlighed 2014. Fælles for min lyrik er, at sprogdigtene er rigt illustreret med egne billeddigte. Du kan læse og se digtsamlingerne her i serien. Jeg har valgt at offentligere dem her – så kan du jo købe bogen senere, hvis du vil. Mod betaling læser jeg gerne op af min poesi - med eller uden musik.


As an artist, I spread myself in genres. I have a creative talent that expresses itself differently. This series shows my poetry and my published books as illustrator / author - that's also art! There are separate releases like lyrics you can read. The music, "Jazz n poetry", I have recorded for own poems and paintings, which you can hear / see here. There is mention of books I have published as illustrator / author. And finally information about a new art book from art historian Lise-Lotte Blom about me as an artist - and for which you can enjoy.


Since my childhood I have written poems and illustrated my own poetry. That was my way of writing a diary. As an adult, it has been inspired by my first illutational assignment, the poem collection "Places in Dreams" by Adil Erdem 2002, when I was 36 years old, and inspired by the Danish National Association of Artists' Exciting Members as a new member. That made me "resume" the lyric 2002, and wrote a poem cycle artistbook "LivLober", published in 2004, and as an ebook 2009.


I have also published poetry in "Sensual Words" 2010 and Words of Love 2014. Common to my lyric is that the language poems are richly illustrated with their own image poems. You can read and see the poems collections here in the series. I have chosen to publish them here - so you can buy the book later if you want to. Against payment. Yeu can here read my poetry - with or without music.




All Rights Reserved. Lotte Kjoeller - E-mail Lk@Lk-kunst.dk. It is not allowed to steal photos from this page without permission. Theft is punishable!

Contact Lotte Kjoeller here


Visual artist company by artist Lotte Kjoeller

Billedkunstnervirksomhed v. kunstner Lotte Kjøller


Mail: Lk@Lk-kunst.dk

Tel: + (45) 2383  0717

CVR: 37305294
